Compelled by the minimalist images
Enmeshed in the nature of nature
Could I be any different?
Is there any other source?
And yet – how are your
Words so different?
Compelled by the minimalist images
Enmeshed in the nature of nature
Could I be any different?
Is there any other source?
And yet – how are your
Words so different?
I have recently become aware of how fond I am of my psychotherapy clients and how familiar they have become to me. What do I mean by this? My psychotherapy clients feel familial, as if we are related. And, in fact, we are! We are related in our humanity, in the proverbial “Family of Man”.
We are all wounded beings. It’s part of our DNA. This is a given, and it’s why I practice. It’s why I practice my profession and it’s part of what inspires me to maintain a spiritual practice. How else to deal with and to heal the pain of living, and of loving?
This past Saturday I was exquisitely privileged to receive an initiation and empowerment into the energy of the Medicine Buddha. This gift was bestowed upon me, in a ceremony with others seeking healing gifts, by the Gehlek Rimpoche, a Tibetan lama in the lineage of The Dalia Lama
Last weekend I facilitated a Constellation workshop in New York City. No matter how many times I do this, I am always moved, touched, and ultimately awed by the divine grace that manifests in these sacred events. This occasion was no exception.
Last week I officiated at the wedding of two dear and special people. We had originally met shortly over a year ago as she came to me seeking understanding and guidance concerning her relationship with this man.