Spiritual Family Constellation & Psychotherapy

Practice & Services

Integrative Therapy

Integrative Therapy is an approach that works with the whole person to further health, well-being and soul-centered development. Integrative Therapy utilizes relational Psychotherapy, Process Acupressure, (PA) and Systemic and Family Constellation Therapy (SFCT) as foundational approaches and incorporates other tools where appropriate. PA combines bodywork with psycho-spiritual process work to progress wholeness and growth – in mind, emotions and spirit. Integrative Therapy may incorporate other subtle energy modalities such as Chakra Attunement, CranioSacral Therapy and Flower Essences as well as journaling, guided imagery and affirmations. Download Brochure (pdf file size 716k)

Flower Remedy Therapy

Flower Essences are non-toxic essences homeopathically prepared from the flowers of nonpoisonous plants, bushes and trees to harmonize mental and emotional states. Flower Essences gently correct the emotional upsets that give rise to physical symptoms or delay recovery from illness, thus facilitating a natural state of health and well being. The essences are safe and gentle for adults, children and pets.

Chakra Attunement

Chakra Attunement uses the same finger pressure as PA on the Chakra (personal power and energy) centers. We work from root to crown to cleanse, clarify, align and center energies with your highest vibration. A deep state of relaxation ensues and awareness and connection to inner guidance is facilitated.

Systemic and Family Constellation Therapy

The Systemic and Family Constellation Work created by German psychotherapist and philosopher, Bert Hellinger, allows us to look at how events that occurred in past generations impact our life experience in the present. This is a highly effective phenomenological approach experienced on a deeply felt energetic level that can lead to long-term and often life changing results. It is most effective for those who can trust that solutions may be simple and happen in a short period of time- as if stepping from shadow into light. Download Brochure (pdf file size 88k)

Interfaith Ministry

As an ordained and registered Interfaith Minister I am happy to assist you celebrating life’s passages and connecting with the Divine Flow of Love, from which all life emanates. My approach is non-denominational, cross-cultural, all-embracing and, above all, spiritual.

Wedding Therapy

Wedding Therapy is a series of one-on-one sessions that will help you to envision and create the wedding and marriage of your dreams. In our work together we will navigate the transitional territory between singlehood and marriage so that you can be prepared for this life passage with full consciousness and clarity.
Download Brochure (doc file size 92k)

Couples Counseling

Family, couples and relationships. I can help you to reconnect to the Flow of Love and authenticity. Short term therapy for long term gain. Utilizing an amalgam of approaches which may include Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Family Constellations and other Relational Therapies.


ServiceLength of sessionCharge
Flower Therapy Consultation (incl. Remedy)50 minutes$200
Chakra Attunement and Balancing 50 minutes$200
Integrative Therapy (individual)50 minutes$200
Wedding Therapy (individual)50 minutes$200
Couples and Family Counseling and Therapy60 minutes$250
Wedding Therapy (Couples)60 minutes$250
Systemic and Family Constellation (Individual) note: Must be preceded by preparatory Intro Session70 minutes 50 minutes$250 $200
Systemic and Family Constellation WorkshopTBDTBD

*sliding scale may be available to accommodate your needs
**All charges are subject to change

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