Author: Annie Pearl

The Medicine Buddha and Me

This past Saturday I was exquisitely privileged to receive an initiation and empowerment into the energy of the Medicine Buddha. This gift was bestowed upon me,  in a ceremony with others seeking healing gifts, by the Gehlek Rimpoche, a Tibetan lama in the lineage of The Dalia Lama

A Reflection on Sandy

Sandy, such a benign, almost girly name for such a powerful storm. And yet, in downtown Manhattan, where I live, Sandy had a most powerful effect on thousands of lives. Some rallied together in true community to cope with the aftereffects. In my apartment building, neighbors sought the warmth and companionship of building staff and other tenants.

A Summer Poem by Annie

The dragonflies gently take their morning sips
From the still, still pool

The children have relinquished their dominion
Long enough for the fairy forces  to
Complete  their regular repast

Gratitude for Pigeons

I watch the flight of a flock of pigeons from my window this morning. As I sip my cappuccino and write in my journal, I know they are my spirit guides. What do these scavengers of the city teach me?

Another Synchronicity

Last weekend I facilitated a Constellation workshop in New York City. No matter how many times I do this, I am always moved, touched, and ultimately awed by the divine grace that manifests in these sacred events. This occasion was no exception.

2012 Blessings and Prophecies

Some of you may be familiar with the myriad prophecies that have been forecast for this tumultuous year. Many cultures and their seers and prognosticators have forecast destruction and mayhem leading up to the 2012 winter solstice.

Two diamonds

Last week I officiated at the wedding of two dear and special people. We had originally met shortly over a year ago as she came to me seeking understanding and guidance concerning her relationship with this man.

A Paradigm Shift

Last weekend I facilitated my regular monthly Constellation workshop. I always begin these workshops with a short talk that sets an intention for our work on that day.

On Love, Death, Healing and Constellations

My dear friend Lilli Cunningham succumbed to death on Friday, after a 2 year journey with cancer. Lilli and I first met in November, 2009, when she and her husband Bill attended a Systemic and Family Constellation workshop that I facilitated in Miami, Florida.